In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
Peace be upon you and all righteous servants of Allah, actually these sound could be originated from space as our Imam Allah's halifa Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni peace be upon him taught us about the knocking star planet Nibiru in this translated statement:
A Questioner asked so he said: What is the True statement in His word the Most High: {By the star when (Hwaw)!}? And is it the knocking star in His word the Most High: {By the heaven and the Knocker!}?
And replied who has the knowledge of the Book so he said:
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
15 - 01 - 1431 AH
01 - 01 - 2010 AD
02:31 am
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
To you the statement of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni for the word of Allah the Most High said: {By the star when (Hawa) !}Truthful Allah the Great
And the True statement by the Truth is: And the star if came and head-forward, and not left and departed as the interpreters claim; only came and head-forward that's because I find the word (Hawa) is synonymous of (Ata) = came, and it differs than the word (Hawa) and for that I find in the Book that the True explanatory-statement for the word (Hawa) is synonymous of (Ata) = came, and we say (Hawa - Yahwi) and (Ata - Yati) = came - come, and for that Allah the Most High said: {Our Lord, I have settled a part of my offspring in a valley unproductive of fruit near Your Sacred House, our Lord, that they may keep up prayer; so make the hearts of some people (tahwi) come towards them, and provide them with fruits; haply they may be grateful.}Truthful Allah the Great [Ebraheem]14:37, which means come towards them to Your sacred House.
And the other proof is the word of Allah the Most High: {And proclaim to people the Pilgrimage: they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, coming from every remote path:}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Hajj] 22:27
Therefore it cleared to you the intended by Allah's word in the great Quran: {so make the hearts of some people (Tahwi) come towards them,} which means come to them.
As that the word of Allah the Most High: {His mother is (Hawia).(9)} which means coming {And what will make you know what that is?(10) A hot Fire.(11)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Qareah] 101:9-11
And in confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {In fact, it will come to them all of a sudden and confound them, so they will not have the power to avert it, nor will they be respited.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbyã´] 21:40
Therefore it is clear for you now the True statement for the word of Allah the Most High: {By the star when (Hawa)!}53:1, which means came (suddenly), and that is the same knocking star planet hell. Confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {By the heaven and (Al-Tariq) the commer by night!(1) And what make you know what is (Al-Tariq) the comer by night?(2) The star of piercing brightness.(3)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Triq] 86:1-3
As for the explanatory-statement for the word of Allah the Most High: {By the star when it comes (suddenly),(1) Your companion was not astray, nor did he deviate.(2) Nor does he speak out of desire.(3) It is not but revelation that is revealed,(4) Has taught him one of mighty power,(5) The possessor of strength. So he attained to perfection,(6) And he is in the highest part of the horizon.(7) Then he drew near, drew nearer yet,(8) So he was the measure of two bows or closer still.(9) So he revealed to His servant what He revealed (to him).(10) The heart did not lie in seeing what he saw.(11) Do you then dispute with him as to what he saw?(12) And certainly he saw him in another descent,(13) At the farthest Sidra-tree.(14) Near it is the Garden of Abode.(15) When that which covers covered the Sidra-tree;(16) The eye did not swerve, nor did it exceed the limit.(17) Certainly he saw of the greatest signs of his Lord.(18)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Najm] 53:1-18
{By the star when it comes}, indeed that is the star when it comes over the earth and explodes from it sparks and it is hell confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {By the heaven and (Al-Tariq) the comer by night!(1) And what will make you know what is (Al-Tariq) the comer by night?(2) The star of piercing brightness.(3)}Truthful Allah the Great.
That’s a swear of an oath to magnify this star and the answer of the oath is the word of Allah the Most High: {Your companion errs not, nor does he deviate.(2) Nor does he speak out of desire.(3) It is not but revelation that is revealed(4)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Najm] 53:2-4
As for the explanatory-statement for the word of Allah the Most High: {One mighty in power has taught him,(5)}, and He means Gabriel forgiveness and peace be upon him.
As for the explanatory-statement for the word of Allah the Most High: {The possessor of strength. So he attained to perfection,(6)}, which means; he is the possessor of greatness and magnitude in (his size) of creation by the upper horizon so he descended and leveled as a well made man in front of Mohammad messenger of Allah prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family. {Then he drew near, drew nearer yet,(8)} which means came closer to the messenger so he stretched his hand to him dragging him towards him. {So he was the measure of two bows or closer still.(9)} and it is the distance between Gabriel and the prophet and it was not steady due to (Gabriel) was dragging him towards him and releasing him. {as So He revealed to His servant what He revealed.}(10) which means Allah revealed to His servant what Gabriel forgiveness and peace be upon him had revealed to His prophet, as for the word of the Most High: {The heart did not lie in what he saw.(11)} which means Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- did not speak except with Truth of which Gabriel came down upon him from his Lord with this grand Quran.
As for the word of Allah the Most High: {Do you then dispute with him as to what he saw?(12)}, which means; do you argue with him upon a real thing of a well-made man descended from the heaven so he saw him with the seeing eye?
And as for the statement for the word of Allah the Most High: {And certainly he saw Him in another descent,(13) At the farthest Sidra-tree.(14)}, which means; Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- saw the angel Gabriel -prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him- in another descent but in His angelic image when both arrived to the farthest (final point) Sidra-tree on the night of the traveling by night and the ascension, so the angel Gabriel transformed to a great creature so he fell prostrate to Allah Lord of the worlds, lo and behold, Allah is welcoming His prophet from behind the veil and it is the farthest Sidra-tree.
As the statement for the word of the Most High: {At it is the Garden of Abode.(15)} that statement is clear, it described for you the magnitude of this large Sidra-tree, it is the largest thing Allah created in the Book because it is the veil of the Lord, and despite that the garden of heaven its width as the width of the heavens and earth but the sidra-tree is bigger than it, for that Allah the Most High said: {At it is the Garden of Abode.(15)}.
As for the statement for the word of the Most High: {When that which covers covered the Sidra-tree;(16)}, which means; what covers from Allah's light so it shines behind the Sidra-tree, as for the word of Allah the Most High: {The eye did not swerve, nor did it exceed the limit.(17)}, which means; it did not deviate from the Truth nor did it exceed the limit, and he did not speak to you except with the Truth in what he witnessed with the certain eye from the major signs of his Lord, but he did not see his Lord openly, glory be to Him! In fact he saw from the major signs of his Lord on the night of the traveling by night and the ascension to the farthest Sidra-tree and Allah spoke to him verbal-speaking, and he saw from the major signs of his Lord, and did not see the physical Self of his Lord because He spoke to him from behind His veil (the farthest Sidra-tree), and it is included in the major signs which he saw, and of the major signs is the garden of heaven and the eight carriers of the throne and they are of the biggest of Allah’s creation in size among the servants, and Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- did not see the physical Self of his Lord on the night of traveling by night and the ascension. In fact Allah the Most High said: {Certainly he saw of the most major signs of his Lord.(18)}Truthful Allah the Great
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Allah's khalifa Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
{And incite whom you can of them with your voice, and collect against them your horse and your foot, and share with them in wealth and children, and promise them. And satan promises them only to deceive.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:64
And that is the sedition by the voice openly, and the armies of the horse-riding troopers, and of them marching men on foot, and brings to them wealth, and that is the physical sedition and has no sign of miracle...
Salam Aleikum, I am sorry I have not understood the statement above...Did you mean Satan has no army of horse riding, marching men on foot?? or he has it.. In my opinion they have more advanced technology, even military technology..because the secret services all want to find out how they can travel by flying saurces so fast and also to stop human's weapon, electronics and so on without any touch.
Thank you. God bless for a help to know more and thanks Allah and his Imam who have knowledge.
انتهى الاقتباس من TamerlanKuzgov
Praise be to Allah the Greatest Bliss, and we praise Him for His grace by sending His khalifa as an Imam for us and He taught him what he did not know to teach us what we did not know and he is more about the subject above:
A Questioner asked so he said: Is the liar messiah (antichrist) has armies of horsemen troopers, (marching) men and wealth?
And replied who has the knowledge of the Book so he said:
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
15 - 09 - 1431 AH
25 - 08 - 2010 AD
03:56 am
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
{And incite whom you can of them with your voice, and collect against them your horse and your foot, and share with them in wealth and children, and promise them. And satan promises them only to deceive.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:64
And that is the sedition by the voice openly, and the armies of the horse-riding troopers, and of them marching men on foot, and brings to them wealth, and that is the physical sedition and has no sign of miracle what so ever; only material sedition, and in the land of two Easts which in it the garden of sedition; in it castles with towers of breath taking height, and in it staircases for ascending of what they name it of elevators, and its fortified castles with silver and decorated with doors of gold and ornaments, and that is the seduction trial of the liar messiah (antichrist), and Allah the Most High said: {And were it not that all people would become one (disbelieving) community, We would provide for those who disbelieve in the All Merciful, roofs of silver for their houses and elevators (of silver) by which they ascend,(33) And (of silver) the doors of their houses and the couches on which they recline,(34) And ornaments (of gold),(35)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Zukruf] 43:33-35
That is the garden of sedition in a land did not step on it a foot of one from the illiterate Muslims and Allah will make us to inherit their land and their homes and their wealth in a land you have not step on it yet. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And He made you heirs to their land and their dwellings and their wealth, and a land which you have not yet stepped on it.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ahzab] 33:27
As for the word of Allah the Most High: {And He made you heirs to their land and their dwellings and their wealth} it has passed and ended. And as for the word of Allah the Most High: {and a land which you have not yet stepped on it.} it just came the True promise so Allah would make us inherit the kingdom which antichrist the liar messiah took mastery over it in the land of two Easts which you do not compass knowledge of it in the tunnel of the earth in it from Allah's amazing signs. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And if their turning away is hard on you, then, if you can, seek an opening into the earth or a ladder to heaven, to bring them a sign! And if Allah pleased, He would certainly have gathered them all to guidance, so be not of the ignorant.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anaam] 6:35
Indeed Allah want us to know that exist for Him signs from His creation amazingly in Allah's garden in the interior of the earth as an existing most amazing signs from Him with huge difference in the abed heavenly-garden in the sky, for that Allah the Most High said: {And if their turning away is hard on you, then, if you can, seek an opening into the earth or a ladder to heaven, to bring them a sign! And if Allah pleased, He would certainly have gathered them all to guidance, so be not of the ignorant.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anaam] 6:35
But the verse is something unusual as like if he brings to them one pomegranate fruit but it is huge and its large size will astonish them and its taste is delicious and the loyal-friends of satan the liar messiah (antichrist) will never inherit it in this world he would never fulfill to them what he promised them and satan does not promise them except delusion. In fact Allah will give it for an inheritance to Allah's khalifa and His servant the Imam Mahdi and his party surely Allah does not fail the promise as He promised us to inherit a land did not step on it the feet of the Muslims. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {and a land which you have not yet stepped on it}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ahzab] 33:27
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Allah's khalifa Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
The caller to the straight———path
The supporter to Allah's Book and the True sunna of His messenger, Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
Good question, but we calculate the years of age from birth. And since Adam was not an infant borne, and he was created a full man praise be to Allah, I really do not know because I have not read a statement yet by our Imam has any info about your question, but I understood that Allah created Adam and Eve at age of maturity and child bearing, also Allah appointed him a khalifa in the Allah's garden in the interior of earth, but the well aware and knowledgeable in Allah's Book the Awaited Mahdi Allah's khalifa Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni peace be upon him wrote thousands of statements in the last ten years and we are just scratching the tip of the iceberg and only small percentage had been translated of his True explanatory-statement for the great Quran.
Allah the Most High said:{And We said: O Adam, dwell you and your wife in the garden, and eat from it a plenteous (food) wherever you wish, and approach not this tree, lest you be of the unjust.} Truthful Allah the Great [AL-Baqara] 2:35
Salam Aleykum all brothers and supporters of Imam Mahdi ( Peace be upon him and his followers and his family). If woman likes to sleep with men without marriage (sometimes changing partners) and also she is theft and it is proved by evidences and witnesses. Which punishment she will face by Quran and Shariat?
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
Our Imam the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- wrote statements about laws of divorce and marriage and here some of the translated statements and I believe that those established in authority to investigate and a man could only divorce her. As for the thief, as we know in the decisive law of the great Quran about the thief in the following verse: {And (as for) the man and the woman addicted to theft, cut their hands as a punishment for what they have earned, an exemplary punishment from Allah. And Allah is Mighty, Wise.} Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma'eda] 5:38
And our honorable humble Imam said the cut should be at the fingers so the person would be able to purify oneself, if I found the statement with Allah's permission I will post it; and here is some of the statements about laws of divorce and marriage:
Salam Aleykum, probably my questions have answers in the previous pages but anyway i have decided to ask some questions with a hope you will give links to it:
1.Can you tell me quranic ayats to read and listen to get rid of any magic and remove it from the whole family if that family was touched by satan for whom wizard ordered to make harm?
2. Does it helpful to carry quran in a pocket or bag to protect yourself from black or any kind of magic?
3. Is it effective to protect apartment, house from such influences by puting quran on the shelfs and it ayats on the wall? Of course, i understand that the first and best thing is to believe in Allah and hope only for His help but how about using His words and book to defend yourself from readers and wizards?
4.Does it true that amulets and et cetera is not all right for muslims to carry on the body for a such purpose? if not which is good to carry.
5. If someone goes to readers and ask predictions when he nows that it is forbidden by Allah does it is serious sin and how to get forgiveness for it?
In the name of Allah The superseding merciful the rewarding merciful
Peace on the messangers and all due praise is to to Allah
wa alikum Alaskam wa rahmto Allah
my beloved brother repeation of surah Aliklas. Is mentioned by the imam and also verses of the Quran that speaks ofthe Majesty of Allah and his power and verses that highlight the punishment of Allah in hereafter.
This is an example I just took for you from you tube you can listen to it in your car or home and have it on and remember that the heard words is what affects us and jin
To put the book of Quran in it self to take out the spill that is not right way , certain verses of Quran but not All the Quran but verses such as I described earlier must be verbally recited and the words of these Quranic verses when it is heard by jin is what burn the evil spirit (jin)
and break the magic spill. Also , their is verses to break the spill of magic that is ment to break up marriage relationship and that is to repeat verse 15 from Surat Albaqarat
Do not carry any thing called to take out jin, that is wrong. Only recite or listen loudly enough to verses and repeat it again and again such as Surat iklas ,.
or falaq or Surah Alnas or any verses that highlight the punishment of wrongdoers in thereafter (
It is kufr(an abomination) if you went to those astrologers to predict the future for you. Just repeant to Allah and ask forgiveness for doing so and Allah is the rewarding merciful