الموضوع: Cancer and other illnesses

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  1. افتراضي Cancer and other illnesses

    Assalaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters. There was a statement in arabic regarding honey as a cure for illnesses, but I wasn't able to understand properly. Please can you give me advice on the following.
    1. How does one know if an illness is
    a test, punishment or if Allah is forgiving sins.
    2. How does one know if an illness is due to black magic and what can a person pray to get rid of the evil.
    I have cancer and water fills up in my abdomen with a lot of pain. Please can you tell me what I should pray so the Allah can heal me. What honey or other natural medicine I can take. Jazakallah.

  2. افتراضي

    Walicom Alsalam
    I can help you about what the kind of honey that Immam Nasser told one of our brother that it's can heal from Cancer if Allah approve
    It's called in Arabic Sal or Ammak
    Honey, because the bees feed from this Plant Euphorbia ammak
    I think in English it's called euphorbia ammak honey
    See these links

    Finally, we're asking Allah to heal you soon

  3. افتراضي

    Jazakallah for your help and prayers. Inshallah I will get better and have the chance to meet all the supporters and the imam. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon be upon you all.

  4. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : Eemaan
    Jazakallah for your help and prayers. Inshallah I will get better and have the chance to meet all the supporters and the imam. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon be upon you all.
    انتهى الاقتباس من Eemaan

    Salam alikum brother inchallah u will get better and may Allah S,W heal you as sson is possible but remeber that the honey is just a cause , what i want to say is that the one who really heal is Allah S,W Dont forget this prayer quote from the statment of the awaited imam alayhe assalam:
    The cure prayer for the coronavirus

    Verily, they must repent from the major sins, indecencies, oppressing people and the wrongfulness of association, and to say:
    “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, if You do not forgive us and (not) have mercy on us we certainly would be of the losers”.
    And after the repent let them say:
    “Oh Allah, I am Your servant, I ask you by the fact there is no God except You, and by the fact of Your mercy that You ordained upon YourSelf, and by the fact of greatness of the Bliss of YourSelf’s good-pleasure that is greater than the bliss of Your heavenly-garden that you heal me from the chastisement of corona or remove it away from me surely I believe in the true caller from You. Oh Allah, remove Your chastisement away from us and from every entrance so we would follow the path of Truth from You, and to make us steadfast on fulfilling what we promised You — O Who comes between man and his heart, surely we do not have except Your mercy that You ordained upon YourSelf. Indeed, if You do not forgive us and (not) have mercy on us we would surely be of the losers. Oh our Allah, You have said in Your decisive Book:
    {And your Lord says: Pray to Me, I will answer you.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Ghãfer] 40:60,

    so from me is the supplication and turning (close) yet from You is to responding, indeed you You never violate Your promise, our Lord, glory be to You, Surely Your promise is ever True and You are the Most Merciful than all who have mercy. O our Allah, make us steadfast upon fulfilling what we promised You to follow Allah’s global caller khalifa of Allah in the land;
    the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
    O our Allah, make sending him as favor on us and not affliction against us because we turned away from his true call (to Allah);
    for the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni”.


    Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    26 - Ramadan - 1441 AH
    19 - 05 - 2020 AD
    06:37 pm
    (According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

    ..Coronavirus and the decisive explanatory-statement, and it is not a joke

    يا رب يا ارحم الراحمين الهم الضالين من العالمين ان يسئلوك رحمتك التي كتبت على نفسك امنن عليهم كما مننت عن ال100000 و علينا كما مننت عن ( او يزيدون) حتى تجعل الناس امة واحدة باذنك حتى يكون ذلك اليوم من خير ايام الدنيا و من خير ايامنا فيها و اجعل الهم خير ايامنا يوم لقائك يوم عظيم رضوان نفسك.
    و لا رضا قبلها الا عليك ربا و باسلام دينا و بمحمد عبدك و رسولك و الامام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني عبدك و خليفتك.
    فما هي الوسيلة لترضى و تفرح يا ربي سبحانك؟

  5. افتراضي

    salam alaykom my sister and may Allah cures you definitely from this test.
    my sister for the first question all what you have to do its repent always to allah in the both cases its good. and you are an anssaria and you did follow the truth and the imam so surely i dont think its a punishment but its a test to you so be patient my sister.

    answering your second question some sometimes its diificult to know but maybe if its a black magic you will see some unknown symptoms appears to you, you will see maybe some bad dreams frequently. the most important thing that in the both cases ill caused by magic or not magic you have to keep always repenting and pray allah ans ask him to cures you, alwyas read bayan and quran and speacily the verses that speaks about the doom day about hell, about the oneness of allah. because this verses as imam said it makes satans weak and torture them and burn them. i remember also that imam advices us that if we are attacked by black magic we need to read also the verses in surat al bakara, .when allah talks about solomon and the devils,harut and marut and the black magic..

    for your last question you can visit this website. the imam advices anssar with cancer to drink a honey and this kind of honey had a lot of names like: omk honey, daghmous honey, and sal honey.

    more scientificly this honey is from the a kind of the euphorbia plant. and its very good for cancer and he has an itching effect on the throat when you will drink it.

    and dont forget to read coran and rukia shariaa upon the miel upon water and upon oil also and every natural liquids .
    you have. for the honey you drink it twice time in day the morning and night.

    may allah cures you and bless you.


  6. افتراضي

    Please tell me the best verses to pray for Ruqya? Is the euphorbia honey from Morocco same as the one from Yemen?

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    آخر مشاركة: 26-02-2017, 05:36 PM
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