Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani
26 - Ramadan- 1441 AH
19 - 05 - 2020 AD
06: 37 PM According to the time of Macca (Mother of towns)
Corona Virus And The Decisive Statement That Is Not To Be Taken for Amusement
In the name of Allah The One, The Perpetual Forgiver, The Almighty, The Overpowering, blessings and peace be upon the chosen prophet Mohammed, the messenger of Allah, sent with the Reminder [The Quran] to all mankind.
O decision makers, the leaders of man and their peoples in all countries, I advise you of one thing only: - that you stand for Allah, in pairs and individually, and then give thought to who Allah proved his challenge to be true in reality with regards to the so-called corona virus!
Did Allah not challenge doctors altogether, or did He challenge the awaited Mahdi, the servant of Allah and His caliph the Imam Mahdi, Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni? That is for you to know with certainty that you will never encompass anything of His knowledge except for what He wills, Exalted is He and high above what you associate with Him and High above what you deviate because of being deluded by what you have of modern science.
And He has encompassed you with what the former people did not have the knowledge of, then you became deluded concerning what you have of the knowledge of Information Technology and the knowledge in different fields and that is why He Has challenged you with what you do not have knowledge about, which it is one of the smallest soldiers of Allah, until He made your knowledge equal to zero, O you who have rejoiced in the knowledge you have.
And you thought that you are capable of everything, as a result, Allah Has insulted your ability, humiliated your pride, and Has removed your vanity with the smallest soldier from his creation that cannot be seen by the naked eye due to its tiny size, and that is for you to know the worth of yourselves.
Also, it is for you to know with certainty that the disease of the suffocating torment of Allah that you call ‘corona virus’ will not be removed from you except by Allah only. So let the people repent from the worst of sins, the gross indecencies, the injustice to the people, and from the injustice of associating partners [with Allah].
And say:
“Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.”
And after the repentance let each one of them say:
“O Allah I am Your servant, I ask you by virtue of the fact that there is no God but You, and by virtue of the fact of Your Mercy which you have decreed upon Yourself, and by the virtue of the fact of the greatness of Your Pleasure within, which is greater than the pleasure of your heaven, to cure me of the torment of Corona or to turn it away from me as I am a believer in the caller to the truth from You.
O Allah, remove Your torment from us from whichever direction it comes from, so that we follow the path of the truth from You. And strengthen us to fulfil what we have promised you, O you who intervene between a man and his heart, as we only have Your mercy, You have decreed upon Yourself. If You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. O Allah You have said in the clear verses of Your book
(وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ٱدۡعُونِیۤ أَسۡتَجِبۡ لَكُمۡۚ )
{And your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.}
[Shurah: 40 - Ghafir - Verse: 60]
So the Dua'a (supplication) and the repentance is from me, and the response is from You and You do not break Your promise. Exalted You are our Lord, your promise is true and you are the Most Merciful. O Allah give us the strength to fulfil what we have promised You to follow the global caller to Allah, the caliph of Allah on Earth the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. O Allah, make the raising of him a blessing upon us and not a misery upon us because of our turning away from the call to the truth of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni”.
And whoever refuses this supplication surely the torment of the so-called Coronavirus will befall them. And did Allah make the sign of the Corona virus but a sign of confirmation to the challenge in the statement of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni that was written on the 10th Rajab [5th March], titled “Corona virus is of the lesser torment short of the greater torment, that perhaps they may repent”?
And I have put the cure and the solution in the title of the statement. And the wisdom of the torment of the Corona virus and the cure from its torment is that ‘perhaps they may return to Allah’, so that they repent to Him with true repentance and follow the caller to the Book of Allah, His servant and caliph, the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni.
But if the arrogant ones turn away from this supplication then know, O you the supporters (of the Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni), that Allah will not respond to your supplication to remove the suffocating torment of Allah from the wicked people in the worlds, that is according to my knowledge of the Book [The Qur'an], which is that if Allah removes it from the world by His mercy without them knowing that it is a sign of confirmation to whom Allah Has chosen to be an Imam [leader] for the people, and I will repeat and remind you with that; if Allah removes this torment without them knowing that it is a sign of confirmation to His caliph, the Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni, they will persist in their transgression, wandering blindly. So they will keep on turning away from following the caller to Allah, His caliph, Nasser Mohammed. In line with the word of Allah the Exalted:
وَلَوْ رَحِمْنَاهُمْ وَكَشَفْنَا مَا بِهِم مِّن ضُرٍّ لَّلَجُّوا فِي طُغْيَانِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ
صدق الله العظيم [ المؤمنون: 75 ]
And even if We showed them mercy and removed what is upon them of affliction, they would persist in their transgression, wandering blindly. (75)
[Surah: 23- Al-Mu’minoon– Verses: 75]
And what has come in this statement of mine is a condition in the invocation of the supplicant. And whoever disdains and acts arrogantly among the decision makers that the torment of the so-called Corona virus is a sign of confirmation to the global statement that I published on the 10th Rajab 1441 AH [5th March,2020 AD], then leave them try to control the so-called Corona virus if they are truthful!
And if the Corona virus has truly reached Yemen after Allah Has kept it away from them for months so that they might be thankful, I swear by Allah that they will never be able to control the so-called Corona virus in the whole world while they are acting arrogantly towards the caller to Allah and His caliph, the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni.
Everyone must know that the torment of the so-called Corona virus is of the lesser torment short of the greater torment, perhaps they may supplicate in humility to their Lord in order for Him to remove His torment from them by His mercy so that they follow the caller to the truth from their Lord and submit in full, willing submission, after they have known that the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni is truly the caliph of Allah over the worlds.
As there will not be any benefit from removing the torment of Allah then they persist in their transgression, wandering blindly. Then after that, Allah will destroy them with a torment greater than that which had already stricken them. So listen and understand the word of Allah the Most High:
وَلَوْ رَحِمْنَاهُمْ وَكَشَفْنَا مَا بِهِم مِّن ضُرٍّ لَّلَجُّوا فِي طُغْيَانِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ ﴿75﴾ وَلَقَدْ أَخَذْنَاهُم بِالْعَذَابِ فَمَا اسْتَكَانُوا لِرَبِّهِمْ وَمَا يَتَضَرَّعُونَ ﴿76﴾ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَابًا ذَا عَذَابٍ شَدِيدٍ إِذَا هُمْ فِيهِ مُبْلِسُونَ
صدق الله العظيم [ المؤمنون: 75-77 ]
And even if We showed them mercy and removed what is upon them of affliction, they would persist in their transgression, wandering blindly. (75) And We have overtook them with the torment [as a warning], but they did not yield to their Lord, nor do they humbly supplicate, (76) Until when We open upon them a door of severe torment, immediately they will be therein in despair. (77)
[Surah: 23- Al-Mu'minoon– Verses: 75-77]
So the decision makers in different countries must be informed about the statement of the global challenge that I wrote on the 10th Rajab 1441 AH [5th March 2020 AD], titled “Corona virus is of the lesser torment short of the greater torment, that perhaps they may repent” then, they see the points of challenge with the truth in the statement written on the 10th Rajab 1441 AH [5th March 2020 AD], and I have put in that statement the points of the challenge, I summarise as follows:
1 - It is a global torment from Allah and not just a mere global pandemic.
2 - All doctors will not and cannot know how the Corona virus was formed.
3 - All Doctors will never be able to control it, as how can they control the torment of Allah, Exalted is He?
4 - All Muslim and non-Muslim doctors will never be able to find a cure or a vaccine for it, even if they help and support each other.
5 - They will see from the plotting of the so-called Corona virus that which they had not taken into account.
And the statement in which I have mentioned these points of challenge was published on the 10th Rajab [5th March], at the time when the so-called Corona virus invaded China and Iran only.
As for all the other countries of the world, it shook them with a severe shaking before invading them. And the question that imposes itself is: Did Allah really prove the challenge with the truth of His servant and caliph to be true in reality?
And that is for all the decision makers in all countries and their peoples to know that I am speaking with the truth and that the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni truly knows from Allah what all mankind do not know. That is because Allah gave me the knowledge of the Book, the Great Quran. And I am not insane, O peoples of the world, to randomly announce from my own mind the points of the challenge before this helplessness of yours, far, far is that from being the truth.
I swear by the Lord of the Earth and the Heavens, that I know about this [torment/virus] from the Book of Allah, the Great Quran, but I use the name that has been given to it ,‘Corona virus’, only for the sake of the word being searchable in the world wide web .
And I give tidings to the whole world about the coming signs of the torment from the air, land, and sea, in addition to what is being planned for them of the torment of the Corona virus until they obey the Caliph of Allah, the chosen Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni and submit in full, willing submission.
Did I state as a condition upon the Muslim scholars in the world and upon all people disputing in any religious matters, but for them to accept the judgment of Allah between them in all that which they have differed about in their religion?
And it is not upon the caliph of Allah, the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni, anything except to deduce the judgment of Allah in whichever matter [they differed about] from the clear verses of the Book of Allah, the Great Quran. But they acted arrogantly towards the caliph of Allah and towards His Book, the Great Quran, which they have turned away from following and away from leaving what contradicts with it.
And I have been calling them and the whole world for 15 years, but they turned away and acted arrogantly towards the caliph of Allah until Allah Has become angry for His Book.
And they will not find an escape from the torment of Allah except by repentance and turning back to Allah, so that Allah guides their hearts to follow the caller, the caliph of Allah on Earth and His servant, the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni, to the truth from their Lord and to submit in full, willing submission.
Peace be upon the messengers, and praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
The caliph and the servant of Allah,
Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani.
Translated by: Deena ADEL
Edited by: Danny KADDOURA & Tracy SIDDALL
Translated from the following statement:
فيروس كورونا والبيان الفصل وما هو بالهزل
A Reminder:
Corona virus is of the lesser torment short of the greater torment, that perhaps they may repent
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
10 - Rajab - 1441 AH
05 - 03 - 2020 AD
12:51 pm
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)
فيروس كورونا من العذاب الأدنى دون العذاب الأكبر لعلهم يرجعون..