Question to Imam Mehdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani about adoption in Islam
In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
Peace be upon you our beloved Imam Mehdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. And Peace be upon your grandfather, Mohammed the messenger and all ansaars. May allah be pleased with all of us, insallah
Salaam wa'alaikum wa rahmatu Allah dear brothers and sisters
I have a question concerning adoption in Islam. It has come to my knowlegde that the Imam Mehdi has posted a bayan concerning a related matter this morning.
I ask you dear brothers and sisters to help me translate this question so that the Imam may insallah read it in Arabic and that more people may benefit from it. My question is as follows;
If a family has adopted a boy who is the nephew of the Husband - him being the brohter of the son's biological mother. Can he - the son- be with his adoptive mother alone and see her without her hijab including hugging/kissing his adoptive mother - meaning acting like a "normal" son. This boy was adopted at the age of 5 years and is today almost 30. He has never been breastfed by his adoptive mother.
The uncle, meaning the adoptive father, has passed away, rahimo Allah, and the adoptive son has now become responsible for the adoptive mother - yet she feels limited in her relationship to him due to the fact that she has not breatfed him. She has asked many shieks about this matter and have received different answers. Now my dear Imam, I ask for the true answer by the book of Allah insallah.
If this subject has been touched upon previously, I ask all ansaars to re-post this bayan, even in Arabic, so I do not unnecessarily use the Imam's precious time.
Jazakum Allah u khair dear brothers and sisters!
\\أَعُودُ باللَّهِ أن أرضى حتى يرضى//
\\ A'audu billah an arda heta yarda //