الموضوع: Interview with Imam Nasser Mohamed ElYemeni

النتائج 11 إلى 20 من 24
  1. افتراضي

    اخى العزيز عبد العزيز
    هذا الرابط جزء من المقال الاصلى و جارى االبحث عن الباقىى
    والتى كتبت فى الموقع القديم للامام


    - - - تم التحديث - - -

    السلام عليكم حبيبى

    الحمد للة
    وجدت البيان الاصلى و ها هو الجزء الاول

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    وَجَاءَ مِنْ أَقْصَى الْمَدِينَةِ رَجُلٌ يَسْعَىٰ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اتَّبِعُوا الْمُرْسَلِينَ
    اتَّبِعُوا مَن لَّا يَسْأَلُكُمْ أَجْرًا وَهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    يَا حَسْرَةً عَلَى الْعِبَادِ ۚ مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

  2. افتراضي

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    وَجَاءَ مِنْ أَقْصَى الْمَدِينَةِ رَجُلٌ يَسْعَىٰ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اتَّبِعُوا الْمُرْسَلِينَ
    اتَّبِعُوا مَن لَّا يَسْأَلُكُمْ أَجْرًا وَهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    يَا حَسْرَةً عَلَى الْعِبَادِ ۚ مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

  3. افتراضي

    walikum alsalm waa rahmatoo Allah wa barakatoo
    May Allah bestow his mercy upon you and all the people who are seeking the truth and keep us in his straight path.
    welcome dear sister in the sake of Allah.
    <a href=https://www.0zz0.com target=_blank rel=nofollow><a href=http://www2.0zz0.com/2017/12/04/12/284230586.jpg target=_blank rel=nofollow>http://www2.0zz0.com/2017/12/04/12/284230586.jpg</a></a>.
    اضغط الرابط ليصلك الجديد فى البث الحي :

  4. افتراضي

    Why is it that the people of the cave have the sames names of the prophets we know that they lied in different generations. ilyas and ekyasa were after solomon while dhulkifl was after shu'aib and ayub and all of those where after abraham.yet in another thread of yours you said the people of the cave were before abraham
    may be you can provide me with your list of the 25 prophets know in islam
    the one we have is,,,,,,,adam,,idris,,nuh,,salih,,lot,,ibrahim,,ismael,,ishaq,,yaqub,,yusuf,,shu'aib,,ayyub,,dhulkfl,,musa,,harun,,dawud,,sulayman,,illias,,alyasa,,yunus,,akariya,,yahya,,isa,,muhammad prayer of Allah's peace and forgiveness e upon them all.
    are the people of the cave different from those prophets mentions or the prophets did not exist////what is the truth imam mahdi

    - - - Updated - - -

    its lived in different generations not lied

  5. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : Hassan Mugabo
    Why is it that the people of the cave have the sames names of the prophets we know that they lied in different generations. ilyas and ekyasa were after solomon while dhulkifl was after shu'aib and ayub and all of those where after abraham.yet in another thread of yours you said the people of the cave were before abraham
    may be you can provide me with your list of the 25 prophets know in islam
    the one we have is,,,,,,,adam,,idris,,nuh,,salih,,lot,,ibrahim,,ismael,,ishaq,,yaqub,,yusuf,,shu'aib,,ayyub,,dhulkfl,,musa,,harun,,dawud,,sulayman,,illias,,alyasa,,yunus,,akariya,,yahya,,isa,,muhammad prayer of Allah's peace and forgiveness e upon them all.
    are the people of the cave different from those prophets mentions or the prophets did not exist////what is the truth imam mahdi

    - - - Updated - - -

    its lived in different generations not lied
    انتهى الاقتباس من Hassan Mugabo

    Brother Hassan peace of Allah and His blessing be upon you and all the visitors the name of the three prophets companions of the cave are as follows Elyas is the the same Dhulkifl which means the one who took responsibility of guardianship of his two younger brothers Elyasaa and Edrees after their father Yaseen passed away.. as in regard of the mention in the Quran of the names of the prophets you find it at this link
    Also when the Quran mention the prophets they are not in order of who came before or after so please read more the explanatory-testaments of the Imam about the topic

  6. افتراضي

    Me am with you
    i will return after reading the link
    May ALLAH ease your task and make you manifest to the world as soon as possible. we want to end this wicked world
    atleast you have some how eased my comprehension.
    i just have another issue. when i had just joined this site i had sent a question through THE CONTACT link(I was not aware of the rules and regulations) and am afraid i may not it repeat as well as i had sent it at first.Can you please help me get it from the CONTACT link and Answer it if ALLAH wills or attach links related to answer


  7. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : Hassan Mugabo
    Me am with you
    i will return after reading the link
    May ALLAH ease your task and make you manifest to the world as soon as possible. we want to end this wicked world
    atleast you have some how eased my comprehension.
    i just have another issue. when i had just joined this site i had sent a question through THE CONTACT link(I was not aware of the rules and regulations) and am afraid i may not it repeat as well as i had sent it at first.Can you please help me get it from the CONTACT link and Answer it if ALLAH wills or attach links related to answer

    انتهى الاقتباس من Hassan Mugabo
    In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
    Brother Hassan welcome again I am a supporter of the Imam answering your questions also I am not in the administration board so I do not know what question you have in mind that has been sent by you and there is no mean for me to search for it but you can open a new page and place your questions in the English section and I will try to find the the answer in the explanatory-statements of the Imam if you could not find them.. Please read, ponder and circulate far and wide.. Thank you

  8. افتراضي

    i thought you are an administrator for this site
    okay i will post it on the page thank you
    so you are based in yemen

    assalam alaykum

  9. افتراضي



    As well the travelers from the people of Mecca were passing by that town so they find it in their way between Mecca and Sham, and from the people of Mecca is the man who passed by it while he was leaving Mecca to Sham. And Allah the Most High said: {Or like him who passed by a town, and it had fallen in upon its roofs. He said: When will Allah give it life after its death? So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him. He said: How long have you tarried? He said: I have tarried a day, or part of a day. He said: Nay, you have tarried a hundred years; but look at your food and drink — years have not passed over it! And look at your donkey! And that We may make you a sign to men. And look at the bones, how We set them together then clothe them with flesh. So when it became clear to him, he said: I know that Allah is Possessor of power over all things.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:259

    And Allah just resurrected him after passing a hundred years since his departure from Mecca, and things change after him, the Tubaa Al-Hamyri Al-Yemeni spread his kingship onto the Arabian peninsula, initially Allah sent his His prophet Abraham son of Ismael to his people of Mecca so he told them that he is from their people so they denied that he is from them because they did not know him before. For that Allah the Most High said: {Do they not then ponder the Word? Or has there come to them that which did not come to their forefathers?(68) Or do they not recognize their Messenger, that they deny him?(69)}Truthful Allah the Great. In fact their fathers rejected the sent prophet and he is from their folks, and the reason of their rejection to him because Allah put him to death a hundred years until when he sent him, so non recognized him from the people of Mecca, and for that you find the reprimanding to the unbelievers of Quraish to not do as what did the disbelievers from their fathers. Therefore Allah the Most High said: {Or has there come to them that which did not come to their forefathers?(68) Or do they not recognize their Messenger, that they deny him?(69) }Truthful Allah the Great. Despite that the disbelievers of Quraish were not like their fathers they did not know their prophet so they deny him; in fact they know him because he lived among them a lifetime before Allah sends him to them. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Say: If Allah had desired, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. I have lived among you a lifetime before it. Do you not then understand?}Truthful Allah the Great [Yunus] 10:16

    While the sent prophet to their forefathers they did not know him so they deny him in fact non recognize him because Allah put him to death for a hundred years then he resurrected him and named him "Dhul Qarnain" which means the one with two life-generations because he lived twice in the worldly life, and you know that He means by the (Quroon) which is life-generations of nations, through the word of Allah the Most High: {Does it not manifest to them how many of the life-generations, in whose dwellings they go about, We destroyed before them? Surely there are signs in this for those of understanding.(128)}Truthful Allah the Great [Ta Ha] 20:128.


    Also we have sufficient proofs about the prophet-hood of Ozair, as that Ozair happened to him what happened to all prophets and it is that satan had cast doubt in his desire when passed on a town that had fallen in upon its roofs so he said to himself what came in His word the Most High: {Or like him who passed by a town, and it had fallen in upon its roofs. He said: When will Allah give it life after its death? So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him. He said: How long have you tarried? He said: I have tarried a day, or part of a day. He said: In fact, you have tarried a hundred years; but look at your food and drink — years have not passed over it! And look at your donkey! And that We may make you a sign to the people. And look at the bones, how We set them together then clothe them with flesh. So when it became clear to him, he said: I know that Allah is Possessor of power over all things.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqarah] 2:259

    Here Allah made clear to Ozair His signs and established it after satan had cast doubt in his desire, and this occurs to all prophets and messengers, then Allah sent Gabriel to ask him: “How long have you tarried?”. Then he taught him how long he tarried and showed him the might-power of Allah, therefore Ozair was a prophet but not son of Allah as the Jews claim while they know that he is not son of Allah, in fact they want the Christians to oppose them so they say in fact the Messiah is son of Allah, and these are the words of their mouths, Allah’s curse be on them! How they are turned away! We still have evidences on proving the prophethood of the twenty eight, so is there of doubtful argumentative? So let him come graciously for the dialogue, he be appreciated..?




  10. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
    Brother Hassan, the one who uses his mind to search for the Truth the Imam peace be upon him wrote a statement clarifying how Scholars of the nation follow religion from their ancestresses without thinking except on whom Allah has mercy. The fact about their interpretation of the verses in the word the Most High: {Or like him who passed by a town, and it had fallen in upon its roofs. He said: When will Allah give it life after its death? So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him. He said: How long have you tarried? He said: I have tarried a day, or part of a day. He said: In fact, you have tarried a hundred years; but look at your food and drink — years have not passed over it! And look at your donkey! And that We may make you a sign to the people. And look at the bones, how We set them together then clothe them with flesh. So when it became clear to him, he said: I know that Allah is Possessor of power over all things.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqarah] 2:259
    It is said the he is Ozair that is meant in this verse so the Imam went along with scholars of the nation in their belief in such meaning until he wrote the detailed statement to prove to them the Truth that Dhul Qarnain who is meant in this verse and He explained in detail about the Identity of this prophet that he is Abraham son of Ismael son of Abraham son of Azar. You can find the Truth at this link:
    Remember that this verse is only for prophet Dhul Qarnain whom he is Abraham son of Ismael son of Abraham peace be upon them altogether.

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