الموضوع: TamerlanKuzgov questions

النتائج 41 إلى 50 من 539
  1. افتراضي the questions of TamerlanKuzgov

    Salam Aleykum for all brothers in religion,

    We know that a comet with blue tail has disappeared already but could we have the approximate date when a Planet Nibiru will pass the Earth? Thank you.

  2. افتراضي On Gospel of Jesus

    In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Glorious
    Salam Aleykum for all ansars and followers of Islam,

    I have began to study a Gospel of Barnabas ( unfortunately we do not have purified and unique book of Isa ( peace be upon him and all prophets before and after him) but I found a gospel of Barnabas most recognizable amongst the muslim scholars even it has fabricated part as well as other versions of gospel. I am sure that our awaited Imam Mahdi ( peace be upon him, his family, and his grand, grand father Mohammed Messenger of Allah) knows the fake part of gospel which we cannot believe, what part of gospel we should not read as it fabricated? I think it is when Isa ( peace be upon him) was arrested and taken in custody because if I am not mistaken he was not arrested but instead saved by Allah and taken to the heaven?

    Thank you.

  3. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Glorious

    My dear brother your question is very good. I have a Christian background before having reverted to Islam. I myself have read the Gospel of Barbabas. I believe some parts of the Gospel are falsified. I am sure our beloved Imam know the answer to the falsified parts in the Gospel of Barbabas. I know many Muslim people keep on referring to this Gospel. I can assure you most of them have not read the Gospel but talk about it from hearing. This is also true for the fact that many of them do not seem to have a right understating of the Qur'an in general. And here we should rather ask ...how comes to recite a book not many fully understand?

  4. افتراضي

    Salaam Alaykum Tamerlan & Veronica

    Below is a link for the Gospil of Barnabas
    I recall the Imam s opinion about any book outside the Quran, he said, be it the Hadith, or the Injil (Bible) or Tawra(Tora) or any other book, whatever is in line with the Quran is accepted and whatever is conflicting with any verse in the Quran is rejected. This is also applicable on the Hadith and Sunnah which mostly are fabrications and conflicting with Quran and the main reason behind the division within among the muslims.

    Fi Aman Allah


    - - - تم التحديث - - -

    So the parts in the Gospil of barnabas that are in line with the Quran are accepted according to the imam's explanation of how to use the Quran as a differentiator and tool for measuring falsehood and truth

    and that same method can be used for any other book that needs to be investigated.
    it is not credit worthy anymore to depend on scientists since science and scientists are both overstated and the many mistakes and errors in history made by scientists and by science are not being exposed, but instead it is propagated as (the new scientific discovery gives us a better understanding of .......which before was scientifically believed to be ...........)
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    وَجَاءَ مِنْ أَقْصَى الْمَدِينَةِ رَجُلٌ يَسْعَىٰ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اتَّبِعُوا الْمُرْسَلِينَ
    اتَّبِعُوا مَن لَّا يَسْأَلُكُمْ أَجْرًا وَهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    يَا حَسْرَةً عَلَى الْعِبَادِ ۚ مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

  5. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah The Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
    Praise be to Allah the Most High and out of His Mercy that He revealed the Holy Quran to correct what has be tampered or lost in the previous scriptures. Also it is the last message to the worlds, and Allah preserved it for every nation comes after wards as Allah said in the Holy Quran :
    9 :15 "Surely We have revealed the Reminder, and surely We are its Guardian"

    - - - تم التحديث - - -

    And out of Allah's Mercy that He send the last Khalifah a ruler Nasser Mohammad Alymani to teach the true meaning of the Holy Quran

  6. افتراضي

    Salam Aleykum, thanks for all people who replied to this question and also thanks to awaited Imam Mahdi Naser Mohammad Alyamani ( Peace be upon him and his family and followers) for his explanation...probably in the future ( by will fo Allah) we will see a Gospel or Tora purified from lost or distortion did by people who cannot make mistakes...and we will not have to compare it with Quran where we may do it wrongly..

  7. افتراضي

    Wa alykum alsalaam brother Tamer
    Allah the most Merciful the most Wise said in the Holy Quran about the Hour when Planet Nibiru which is Sijjeel/ Saqqar as we know it as Hell it self that it would come all of a sudden, as it's stated here: "They ask you about the Hour, when will it come to pass? Say: The knowledge thereof is with my Lord only. None but He will manifest it at its time. It is
    momentous in the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you but of a sudden. They ask you as if you are in control thereof. Say: Its knowledge is with Allah only, but most people know not." 7:187

    Also there are signs for it, our Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohamed the Yemany peace be upon him is one of the signs, also the change that happened in the moon's cycle of rotating around the earth in the last few years, the weather changes around the world, in addition to that is when the earth stops rotating which would lead to prolonged day or night, depending on where you live in the world, and the sun will rise from the west, and so on and so forth. I urge you to read our Imam's statements on the subject. Also be proactive to tell the great news that nothing could save us but Allah the most Merciful. As our Imam said that never to give up on Allah's mercy no matter how enormous our sins Allah will forgive it all if we come near to God Allah the Mighty the most Merciful and to do so is to rise at night and pray humbly with broken heart asking Allah to forgive you and to be merciful on you with sincerity, and never go back to commit these sins again. Sure enough you will find Allah there for you. Our Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohamed the Yemany peace be upon him and us (the Anssar) suporters we took an oath to never accept or be pleased unless Allah the Most Merciful is pleased within him self, surly Allah created us to worship Him alone and not ascribe partners to him.

    3 10:10 "Then We save Our messengers and those who believe — even so (now); it is binding on Us to save the believers."
    Why were there not then among the generations before you those possessing understanding, forbidding mischief in the earth, except a few among them whom We saved? And the unjust pursued the enjoyment of plenty, and they were guilty." 11:116
    And when Our commandment came to pass, We delivered Hud and those who believed with him with mercy from Us; and We saved them from a hard chastisement." 11:58
    So when Our commandment came to pass, We saved Salih and those who believed with him by mercy from Us from the disgrace of that day. Surely thy Lord — He is the Strong, the Mighty." 11:66
    And when Our decree came to pass, We saved Shu‘aib and those who believed with him by mercy from Us. And the cry overtook those who were iniquitous, so they were motionless bodies in their abodes" 11:94

    Allah is Ever Truthful

  8. افتراضي On book of haddith

    Salam Aleykum all muslim brothers , Is there any book of haddith which is purified and compared with Quran? If yes, could you say name and author? May be our beloved Imam Mahdi Naser Mohammad Al Yemeni published a one of his works..?...Thank you.

  9. افتراضي

    Salam Aleykum, if you see a dead sibling in a dream what does it mean? does it mean it is from satan? thank you.

  10. افتراضي on martial arts

    In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Glorious,
    Salam Aleykum all brothers in Islam, does it true that only wrestling was blessed by Allah Almighty? Thanks for reply.

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