الموضوع: TamerlanKuzgov questions

النتائج 31 إلى 40 من 539
  1. افتراضي On extrasensory perception, psychic, wizards

    In the name of Allah the most Merciful, and Most Glorious,
    Salam Aleykum all brothers in religion,
    Does it really true wizards or extrasensory perception people, psychics able to see phantoms of dead people and talk with them?( in my point of view, it has not to be true but some people believe in it) How Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him, and his family, his grandfather a Messenger of Allah Mohammed and followers) would explain it? ( ...For eample, in Russia we can see very popular TV Shows made for examination who is much talented wizard or extrasensory perception person by telling hidden truth about person they never met and know. They have to say for anybody his future, past or find hidden things, find a criminal who murdered their relative and as this television shows they help such people so these people shocked and do not understand how wizards or psychics could know facts they did not say anybody…These psychics and wizards say some died people cannot leave earth because of suicide committed by them or for instance, because their siblings think and cry about them too much and it makes them to visit house and siblings where they lived when they were alive and make furniture to move by itself. Thanks for reply.

  2. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah the most Merciful and most Glorious

    Thank you for this good question my dear brother. This is indeed a topic that requires explanation. I look forward to Imam's clarification.

  3. افتراضي

    Assalamo Alaykom Brother,
    I translated the below part of the Imam Mahdi Statement in order to answer your questions please read through and feel free to ask further questions so we might help you more ,
    your brother
    اقتباس المشاركة :
    Imam Nasser Mohammed Al -Yamani
    20 - 06 - 1429
    25 - 06 - 2008

    [Astrologers have lied even if they told the truth]
    In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, and peace and blessings on my grandfather Muhammad the messenger of Allah and the good family and followers of the right until the Day of Judgment
    The Messenger of Allah Said – may Allah bless him and his family-:
    [Astrologers have lied even if they told the truth]
    And he told the truth peace be upon him and his family
    That means that astrologers lied about knowing the unseen (future) through spotting the movements of stars, even if they tell the truth, the star has no relationship with what they knew; but they were taught by the devils who steal the hearing at the lowest sky, and the devils of Jinn tell their heirs of the human devils the speech which most of it is delusion and most of them are liars, and Allah said:
    {Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend? (221) they descend upon every sinful liar. (222) they give ear, and most of them are liars. (223)}
    Almighty Allah [ Al – Shu’ara ]

    And the Almighty said:
    {Likewise, We have assigned for every prophet an enemy—human and jinn devils—inspiring one another with fancy words in order to deceive. But had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them to their fabrications. (112) So that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to it, and be content with it, and that they may perpetrate whatever they perpetrate. (113) }
    Almighty Allah [Al Ana’am]

    And that is the cunning of the devils against the truth trough fortune tellers priests astrologers, and they lied that they knew of it from spotting the Stars, even if they tell the truth about the unseen (future); but they received it, like Allah told us, by their heirs of devils who hear the upper people at the first sky, and some of them gets to hear small words which is real, and Allah Almighty said:
    { Verily! We have adorned the near heaven with the stars (for beauty). (6) And to guard against every rebellious devil. (7) They cannot listen to the higher group (angels) for they are pelted from every side. (8) Outcast, and theirs is a constant (or painful) torment. (9) Except such as snatch away something by stealing and they are pursued by a flaming fire of piercing brightness. (10)}
    Almighty Allah [Al Saffat]
    This is the truth of those who call themselves astrologers, same people who call themselves fortune tellers, and also who call themselves priests, and they themselves wizards those all are the biggest enemies of Allah and his prophets and his heirs.
    انتهى الاقتباس
    ll --نشهدُ أن لا إله إلا الله ونشهدُ أن محمد رسول الله ونشهدُ أن الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد خليفة الله في الأرض سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير--ll

  4. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah the most Merciful and most Glorious

    This is best authorized answer given by our beloved Imam with regard to the question

  5. افتراضي

    Salam Aleykum, thank you very much...I am very happy to receive such reply..

  6. افتراضي

    Vaaleykum Salam, may Allah bless you for such attention to my questions ( the same regards to nickname: veronica)..it is really pleasure to receive it...There is no "dead people's phantoms" who talk with wizards or extrasensory perception people but devils and there is no mention in Al Quran that "soul of died man" can talk with alive one.

  7. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : TamerlanKuzgov
    Vaaleykum Salam, may Allah bless you for such attention to my questions ( the same regards to nickname: veronica)..it is really pleasure to receive it...There is no "dead people's phantoms" who talk with wizards or extrasensory perception people but devils and there is no mention in Al Quran that "soul of died man" can talk with alive one.
    انتهى الاقتباس من TamerlanKuzgov
    wa alaykom assalam brother
    Exactly, those so called wizards always lie about the source of their information sometimes they say it is dead people souls and others will say they know by watching the stars,
    but the real source of what they say is what those devils of Jinn are telling them,
    I'm glad to help both of you and sister Veronica any time and bring you answers from the statement of the awaited Mahdi as that is our duty as his supporters
    and peace and prayers upon you and us and upon all the messengers and their followers
    ll --نشهدُ أن لا إله إلا الله ونشهدُ أن محمد رسول الله ونشهدُ أن الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد خليفة الله في الأرض سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير--ll

  8. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful
    We ask Allah refuge from such satanic people and Jinn with their demonic evil powers. And Allah the Most High the Exulted One of what they ascribe He alone with His Mercy will crush them together and will save those who do good and call to Allah on the right path.
    I bear witness there is no deity but Allah and his messenger is the prophet Mohammad and his Khalifa and Emam is Nasser Mohammad the Yamany

  9. افتراضي On dead people

    In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Glorious,
    Salam Aleykum for all brothers and sisters in Islam, i have several questions:
    1. May dead hear and see people who visit their graves ?
    2. May dead talk and see each other in the graves?
    3. Are they really come to us in a dream? Thanks for any reply and sorry for many questions, i would be happy to read our beloved Imam Mahdi's explanation ( peace be upon him, his family, and grand father, Messenger of Allah Mohammed and all his supporters) or someone's who has knowledge or translation from none translated threads of this website..

  10. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful
    :Wa Alikum al salam brother, below is the link to answer some of your questions relating the dead

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